How new Lighting can improve the Bottom Line
At Nordic Business Light, we implement LED solutions that have a significantly positive effect on the bottom line. We achieve this through substantial energy savings, reduced maintenance, increased sales, and a better working environment. Additionally, our solutions contribute to lower environmental impact, which you can leverage directly in your communication with stakeholders and in your corporate accounting.
We calculate the bottom-line impact for your business using Lysregnskabet©, a systematic review of the company's goals and an evaluation of the aspects that will be influenced by a new lighting solution. Based on that, we calculate the specific bottom-line effect in actual monetary terms.
How new Lighting can improve the Bottom Line
At Nordic Business Light, we implement LED solutions that have a significantly positive effect on the bottom line. We achieve this through substantial energy savings, reduced maintenance, increased sales, and a better working environment. Additionally, our solutions contribute to lower environmental impact, which you can leverage directly in your communication with stakeholders and in your corporate accounting.
We calculate the bottom-line impact for your business using Lysregnskabet©, a systematic review of the company's goals and an evaluation of the aspects that will be influenced by a new lighting solution. Based on that, we calculate the specific bottom-line effect in actual monetary terms.
You will be using less power
I sparer mellem 70-90% på strømforbruget ved at skifte fra traditionelle lyskilder til LED. 90% når lysstyring tages i anvendelse samtidig med. Har I allerede LED så er der også besparelser at hente. Ved skift fra 1. Generation LED kan opnås 40-60% og ved skift fra 2. Generation kan opnås 20-40% besparelse ved skift til nyeste LED teknologi anno 2024. Når vi skal beskrive besparelsen, vurderer vi bl.a. det samlede årlige strømforbrug, krav og behov til lys, typen af eksisterende lys og prisen I betaler for strøm (pris pr kWh).
You Spend Less Time and Money on Operation and Maintenance
LED light sources are highly durable and robust. On average, an LED tube lasts about 3-4 times longer than a traditionelt lysstofrør. Vores tailor-made LED opgraderinger har endnu længere levetid. Hele 50.000 timer ved konstant drit. Det betyder, at I får store kontante besparelser på vedligehold og en markant øget driftssikkerhed. Vi undersøger, hvor meget I bruger på indkøb af nye lyskilder, spots og armaturer samt på tid i forbindelse med udskiftning. Vi vurderer samtidig, hvad det koster i tabt salg og image, når lyset ikke er ”up to speed”.
You can increase Sales
LED can directly boost your sales by making your products and surroundings appear more natural and inviting. Color rendering and light intensity significantly impact customer experience and purchase motivation. We investigate your current experiences with lighting as a sales parameter and evaluate its effect on your revenue and gross margin when establishing new LED lighting.
You Get a Better Working Environment and Indoor Climate
Lighting greatly affects employees’ well-being and energy levels. Good and pleasant workplace lighting reflects in efficiency, job satisfaction, and motivation. We closely analyze your current absenteeism and the cost of a sick day. We discuss opportunities to enhance motivation and efficiency, as well as expectations for other positive effects of better lighting. Al LED fra Nordic Business Light er garanteret Flicker-fri (den usynlige blinken).
In get a better CO2 accounting
In using less power with the LED, and it provides a direct reduction in the CO2-load from your company. We carry out and document this calculation for you and estimate how big the effect of a CO2-reduction and improved green profile will have to the bottom line in your business.
Ved at vælge Genbrug og den cirkulære belysningsløsning vi tilbyder, træder I ind i en verden af bæredygtighed og ansvarligt forbrug. Jeres beslutning repræsenterer ikke kun en investering i kvalitet og lang levetid, men også et skridt mod at beskytte vores planet for fremtidige generationer. Ved at støtte cirkulære principper bidrager I til effektiv ressourceudnyttelse og minimering af affald, hvilket er afgørende for at skabe en grønnere fremtid. Dette kan I bruge direkte i kommunikationen med jeres interessenter og i koncernregnskabet. Vi takker jer for at tage del i denne vigtige rejse og for jeres engagement i at gøre en forskel!
Less power consumption
I sparer mellem 70-90% på strømforbruget ved at skifte fra traditionelle lyskilder til LED. 90% når lysstyring tages i anvendelse samtidig med. Har I allerede LED så er der også besparelser at hente. Ved skift fra 1. Generation LED kan opnås 40-60% og ved skift fra 2. Generation kan opnås 20-40% besparelse ved skift til nyeste LED teknologi anno 2024. Når vi skal beskrive besparelsen, vurderer vi bl.a. det samlede årlige strømforbrug, krav og behov til lys, typen af eksisterende lys og prisen I betaler for strøm (pris pr kWh).
Less maintenance
LED-lyskilder har lang holdbarhed og er meget robuste. I gennemsnit holder et LED-rør ca. 3-4 gange længere end et traditionelt lysstofrør. Vores tailor-made LED opgraderinger har endnu længere levetid. Hele 50.000 timer ved konstant drit. Det betyder, at I får store kontante besparelser på vedligehold og en markant øget driftssikkerhed. Vi undersøger, hvor meget I bruger på indkøb af nye lyskilder, spots og armaturer samt på tid i forbindelse med udskiftning. Vi vurderer samtidig, hvad det koster i tabt salg og image, når lyset ikke er ”up to speed”.
The opportunity for increased sales
LED can directly boost your sales by making your products and surroundings appear more natural and inviting. Color rendering and light intensity significantly impact customer experience and purchase motivation. We investigate your current experiences with lighting as a sales parameter and evaluate its effect on your revenue and gross margin when establishing new LED lighting.
Better working environment
Lys har stor indflydelse på medarbejdernes velbefindende og energi. Et godt og behageligt arbejdslys viser sig på effektivitet, arbejdsglæde og motivation. Vi går tæt på jeres aktuelle sygefravær og prisen for en sygedag. Vi taler om mulighederne for at øge motivation og effektivitet samt forventninger til andre positive effekter at et bedre lys. Al LED fra Nordic Business Light er garanteret Flicker-fri (den usynlige blinken).
Better Co2 accounting
In using less power with the LED, and it provides a direct reduction in CO2 load from your company. We carry out and document this calculation for you and estimate how big the effect of a CO2-reduction and improved green profile will have to the bottom line in your business.
Ved at vælge Genbrug og den cirkulære belysningsløsning vi tilbyder, træder I ind i en verden af bæredygtighed og ansvarligt forbrug. Jeres beslutning repræsenterer ikke kun en investering i kvalitet og lang levetid, men også et skridt mod at beskytte vores planet for fremtidige generationer. Ved at støtte cirkulære principper bidrager I til effektiv ressourceudnyttelse og minimering af affald, hvilket er afgørende for at skabe en grønnere fremtid. Dette kan I bruge direkte i kommunikationen med jeres interessenter og i koncernregnskabet. Vi takker jer for at tage del i denne vigtige rejse og for jeres engagement i at gøre en forskel!
How Coop Saves 25 Million dkk annually
with New Lighting from Nordic Business Light
More than 700 Coop stores, as well as a number of offices and warehouses, have been equipped with new LED lighting. Over 200,000 light sources have been replaced over a period of 17 months, resulting in an annual energy savings of 25 million dkk for Coop.
Kræn Østergaard Nielsen,
Former Executive Vice President (CFO) in Coop
Case: How Coop Saves 25 Million dkk annually
New Lighting from Nordic Business Light
More than 700 Coop stores, as well as a number of offices and warehouses, have been equipped with new LED lighting. Over 200,000 light sources have been replaced over a period of 17 months, resulting in an annual energy savings of 25 million dkk for Coop.
Kræn Østergaard Nielsen,
Former Executive Vice President (CFO) in Coop
How can we help your company?
Lad os tage en uforpligtende samtale, hvor I kan blive klogere på, hvordan Nordic Business Light kan hjælpe jer med new light, better bottom line and less CO2 Accounting.
How can we help your company?
Lad os tage en uforpligtende samtale, hvor I kan blive klogere på, hvordan Nordic Business Light kan hjælpe jer med new light, better bottom line and less CO2 Accounting.
You use less power
You save between 70-90% on energy consumption by switching from traditional light sources to LED, with 90% savings achievable when lighting controls are also implemented. If you already use LED lighting, there are still savings to be made. Switching from 1st-generation LED can yield 40-60% savings, while upgrading from 2nd-generation LED can save 20-40% with the latest LED technology as of 2024. To calculate the savings, we assess factors such as total annual energy consumption, lighting requirements and needs, the type of existing lighting, and your electricity costs (price per kWh).
You'll spend less time and money on operations and maintenance.
LED light sources are highly durable and robust. On average, an LED tube lasts about 3-4 times longer than a traditional fluorescent tube. Our tailor-made LED upgrades offer an even longer lifespan—up to 50,000 hours of continuous operation. This means significant savings on maintenance and a noticeably increased operational reliability.
We assess your current spending on purchasing new light sources, spots, and fixtures, as well as the time spent on replacements. Additionally, we evaluate the cost of lost sales and damage to your brand image when the lighting isn’t “up to speed.”
You can increase Sales
LED can directly boost your sales by making your products and surroundings appear more natural and inviting. Color rendering and light intensity significantly impact customer experience and purchase motivation. We investigate your current experiences with lighting as a sales parameter and evaluate its effect on your revenue and gross margin when establishing new LED lighting.
You Get a Better Working Environment and Indoor Climate
Lighting greatly affects employees’ well-being and energy levels. Good and pleasant workplace lighting reflects in efficiency, job satisfaction, and motivation. We closely analyze your current absenteeism and the cost of a sick day. We discuss opportunities to enhance motivation and efficiency, as well as expectations for other positive effects of better lighting. Al LED fra Nordic Business Light er garanteret Flicker-fri (den usynlige blinken).
You Get a Better CO2 Accounting
By using less electricity with LED, you achieve a direct reduction in your company’s CO2 emissions. We carry out and document this calculation for you—and estimate how significant the impact of a CO2 reduction and improved green profile will be on your company’s bottom line.
Circular Economy
By choosing reuse and the circular lighting solution we offer, you step into a world of sustainability and responsible consumption. Your decision represents not only an investment in quality and longevity but also a commitment to protecting our planet for future generations. By embracing circular principles, you contribute to efficient resource utilization and waste reduction—key factors in creating a greener future. This commitment can be directly highlighted in your stakeholder communications and corporate accounts. We thank you for being part of this important journey and for your dedication to making a difference!
Case: How Coop Saves 25 Million dkk annually
New Lighting from Nordic Business Light
More than 700 Coop stores, as well as a number of offices and warehouses, have been equipped with new LED lighting. Over 200,000 light sources have been replaced over a period of 17 months, resulting in an annual energy savings of 25 million dkk for Coop.
Kræn Østergaard Nielsen,
Former Executive Vice President (CFO) in Coop
How can we help your company?
Let's take an informal conversation and discuss
how Nordic Business Light can help you.
Contact us for a no-obligation chat about how we can help you achieve new lighting, better bottom-line results, and a reduced environmental impact. Fill out the contact form or reach out to us directly.
- + 45 82 82 00 01
- Nordic Business Light
Contact us for a no obligation chat about how we
can help you new light, a better bottom line and less for feeding a family.
Fill in the contact form, or contact us directly.
- + 45 82 82 00 01
- Nordic Business Light
Contact us for a no-obligation chat about how we can help you achieve new lighting, better bottom-line results, and a reduced environmental impact. Fill out the contact form or reach out to us directly.
- + 45 82 82 00 01
- Nordic Business Light